4 Signage Tips for Restaurant Hiring That Work

It’s no secret that restaurants are hiring like crazy right now. But to stand out from other restaurants and attract the ideal candidate, you need signage that will not only attract them to your restaurant but also motivate them to apply for your open positions. Let’s take a look at these signage tips that are sure to work and fill your hiring needs.
According to Statistica, 11.26 million people are employed by the restaurant and food service industry: but, nearly 40% of restaurants report being severely understaffed. Clearly, hiring and retaining quality front and back of house staff is a challenge restaurants of all types are facing. What’s one way to address and resolve this central hiring issue? By utilizing restaurant signage and restaurant banners to advertise open positions, your restaurant can optimize free space and find the staff it needs to operate successfully. Read on to learn how you can use signage for restaurants to help hire the staff you need, like, yesterday.
Use Bright Colors and Bold Copy
For “now hiring” signs to be eye-catching and effective in helping hire new front and back-of-house staff, it’s wise to use bright colors and bold themes to capture attention. This tip is particularly useful in large-format printing. This way cars, passersby, and pedestrians can read your restaurant banners more easily.
Be Clear on Who You Target and Make them Feel Wanted
Being clear with exactly who you are looking for in a candidate or the position qualifications is extremely important when it comes to your now hiring signage. This will help eliminate any unqualified candidates and also help attract the qualified candidates, saving you both time and money! You also want to make sure you aren’t too generic with your verbiage and instead make your verbiage seem more like you are talking directly to a potential candidate who is reading your sign. Doing this will help draw them in and make them more interested in applying to your restaurant.
Rotate your restaurant signage
Leaving the same restaurant banner with the exact words up for an extended period of time communicates that not only does your restaurant have open roles it’s hiring for, but also that it’s unable to fill them. Likewise, familiar, weather-worn, or situation/timing-specific restaurant signage can also communicate the same message: you can’t keep up and retain relevant employees. Avoid making this simple mistake by changing or rotating your hiring message to cast a wide net and better attract your ideal candidates.
Other considerations for Now Hiring signage
Here are a few other things to consider when creating signage to hire for your restaurant.
- Have a clear call to action Want candidates to walk in for an interview? Or to call your manager and schedule something more formal? By using restaurant banners to clearly define the path candidates should follow to land a job at your establishment, you set them – and you! – up for success.
- Include your brand or logo prominently Sometimes, branding is everything. Especially if your restaurant has an established reputation, or is trying to find its place in an industry niche, using your brand and logo on restaurant signage sends the message that you’re seriously hiring and you’re open to considering respectable candidates at your establishment: it’s a win-win.
- Use a QR Code to accept Resumes or link to the job description Nearly every person carries a phone in 2021. By adding a QR code to your restaurant signage or “Now Hiring” advertisement, you let candidates know that your restaurant is up-to-date and willing to do what it takes to attract high-caliber, current staff.
- Consider the size and placement of your sign Is your “now hiring” restaurant signage in neon across your front door? Is it hidden in the corner to avoid notice? How and where you choose to advertise wanted help signs indicates what those signs should be. Use discernment to place the right restaurant banner in the perfect spot to attract the attention of the potential candidates you need.
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