Build a Non Profit Marketing Toolkit With These 4 Unique Print Materials

Putting together a nonprofit marketing toolkit is sometimes a complicated task as there are multiple options to consider. For example, different not-for-profit marketing materials need to be designed and printed as your marketing materials will be used in a variety of venues including in-person events and educational and mail campaigns. Making sure you have the ideal print marketing materials can make a difference in the success and growth of the nonprofit marketing plan of your organization.  Let’s look at some print marketing options for you to use in creating your nonprofit toolkit.

Nonprofit Educational Print Pieces

Educational print materials are important items to have in the marketing toolkit of your nonprofit organization. People want to learn everything they can about your organization and one of the the best methods to summarize this information, while keeping it organized and consistent with your branding, is through educational print marketing materials including the ones listed below:

  • Awareness Brochures
  • Consumer Safety Brochures
  • Presentation Folders for Events and Information
  • Service Brochures
  • Flyers and Fact Sheets

Event Signage for Nonprofit Marketing Toolkits

Events are an important component in the growth of a nonprofit as they create awareness about the organization. Events get the word out about the organization so make sure the event signage is high-quality and effective in delivering the marketing message.  Here are some effective event signage options for your marketing toolkit:

  • Decorations for Health Fairs
  • Event Directional Signage
  • Job Fair Tents
  • Branded Vehicle Wraps
  • Fun/Run Banners

Nonprofit Peer to Peer Conference Print Materials

Conferences are another important aspect of not-for-profit marketing plans. Conferences enable you to share your mission face to face and educate potential donors and volunteers.  However, not all conference print materials are equally effective for each organization. You need to know your audience when selecting conference marketing materials that reflect your brand. Here are some options for you to consider when it comes to conference materials:

  • Retractable Banners
  • Branded Floor Graphics
  • Lanyards/Name Tags for Those Attending the Conference
  • Tablecloths
  • Brochure Holders
  • Easel Signs

Direct Mail Outreach for Nonprofit Marketing

Businesses and organizations of all sizes use direct mail to share their message and get feedback from potential customers.  Nonprofit organizations count on direct mail to attract potential donors and volunteers. Check out these direct mail options for your marketing toolkit.

  • Fundraising BRC & BRE
  • Newsletters that share the latest information about your organization
  • Event Invitations
  • Surveys
  • Save the Date Postcards

Marketing toolkits are an important part of your nonprofit marketing plan and help to grow your organization. Call for more information.

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