What to Include in a Trade Show Folders

It’s trade show season which means you need marketing collateral to hand out to potential customers. Do you have an idea of what you need as well as the best way to keep it all organized? We have the answer…Trade show pocket folders!
Keeping all of your marketing materials stored and organized in a presentation folder for upcoming trade shows is the perfect way to give attendees everything they want to know about your company. Pocket folders for trade shows make a professional impression and let them know you want to earn their business with high-quality printed materials from Graphic Solutions Group. What items should you include in your next trade show folder? In this blog post, we will share items you can include in presentation folders to help you determine which items are the most important choices for your business.
Include Business Cards in Trade Show Pocket Folders
Business cards should definitely be one of the top items to place inside trade show presentation folders. A business card creates a connection between you and the public and helps them remember you as well as know how to get in touch with you to discuss business. Without your name and contact information, your potential clients will not be able to reach out for additional information or ask questions they have about your business. Think about adding a QR code to your business card to make getting in contact even easier!
Include Brochures in Trade Show Folders
You should include a single brochure that is an overview of your business or multiple brochures that focus on each individual product and service your company offers. The inclusion of colorful brochures in your trade show pocket folders makes it easy for the public to learn more about how your business can benefit them and also share that info with others at their company.
Catalogs are Great to Include in Trade Show Pocket Folders
On the other hand, you might have such a wide range of products that the idea of including multiple brochures for each product doesn’t make financial sense. Instead, you could include a custom product catalog in your pocket folders for trade shows. Catalogs can include more information than a brochure and the size and quality of the catalog will make it something your customers can hold onto for an extended period of time.
Swag Like Printed Stickers Is an Excellent Addition to Trade Show Pocket Folders
Want to make sure your trade show folders show the personality of your business or brand? You can accomplish this by including fun swag, like custom printed stickers, that promote your brand while also creating a sense of fun and excitement. People love putting these stickers on their laptops or water bottles and including them in your pocket folders shows you are not all business. Other items to consider including are pens, koozies and stress balls, all with your logo imprinted on them. Customers will remember the fun side of your personality as much as they remember information about your business.
Now that you have different marketing materials for your trade show presentation folders, you can feel confident they will create a buzz about your business at your next trade show!
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